About MBLN

The Metro Boston Library Network (MBLN) includes public libraries from the following communities:

This college library:

Fisher College

This school library:

Newman School

The following Boston Public Schools:

  1. Albert D. Holland School of Technology*
  2. Boston Arts Academy Pilot*
  3. Boston Collaborative High School
  4. Boston Day & Evening Academy*
  5. Boston International High School and New Comers Academy*
  6. Boston Latin Academy*
  7. Boston Latin School*
  8. Boston Teachers Union Pilot School
  9. Brighton High*
  10. Charlestown High School*
  11. Chittick Elementary School
  12. Clap Elementary
  13. Community Academy of Science and Health
  14. Dearborn Steam Academy*
  15. East Boston High
  16. Edison K-8
  17. Ellis Elementary*
  18. Ellison/Parks EES
  19. English High*
  20. Excel High*
  21. Fenway High School*
  22. Frederick Pilot Middle School*
  23. Gardner Pilot*
  24. Greater Egleston High School
  25. Green Academy*
  26. Grew Elementary
  27. Harvard Kent
  28. Hernandez K-8
  29. Horace Mann School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
  30. Josiah Quincy Upper School
  31. Lee K-8
  32. Madison Park Vo-Tech*
  33. Mary Lyon High School
  34. Mary Lyon K-8
  35. Mather Elementary
  36. Mattahunt Elementary*
  37. McKinley South End Academy
  38. Muniz Academy
  39. New Mission High
  40. O’Bryant School of Science and Math*
  41. Ohrenberger School*
  42. Orchard Garden Pilot*
  43. Philbrick School*
  44. Russell Elementary School
  45. Ruth Batson Academy
  46. Tech Boston Academy*
  47. Tobin School
  48. UP Academy Holland
  49. UP Dorchester
  50. Young Achievers School

(* on MLS Delivery)

You may use cards from any of the participating libraries at each MBLN location. For more information about library cards and borrowing from MBLN, see the Patron Registration page.

For more information about the Metro Boston Library Network, please call (617) 859-2158. For questions about any individual library, please contact that library directly; Boston Public Library patrons contact the library via phone, email, and the web.

MBLN is primarily funded through membership fees and receives significant support through the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC). To learn more about this funding, visit the Grants to Networks page of the MBLC website:  https://mblc.state.ma.us